Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Guys, it's official.

I bought into a hokey fitness routine.

Let me be clear: I would never have gotten these videos for myself, but the boyfriend is intent on "getting vascular" by "attacking the rack." Since a few of his friends were doing this back home, he also decided to get in on the action -- the Insanity action.

Being the supportive girlfriend, I, of course, was not going to allow the BF to suffer alone *cough, cough*. By that, I mean I really, really want to show him up in all the routines since I am clearly the bigger and stronger one in the relationship. And future doctors should be fit, right?

We are now in week 2 of the program, and my calves are finally becoming normal again. For a while there, I was having some trouble walking because of the swelling and pain. Also, I was thinking of doing a before and after photo, but I'm way too embarrassed (and pragmatic) to post half-naked pictures of myself on the internet.

Let it suffice to say that the abs are not there yet.

I'll let you know in 52 days.


  1. Jesus christ... your choice quotes from el Boyfriend are amazing, and made me choke on my drink.
