Sunday, August 5, 2012

Back to School

The end has finally come.

Thursday was my last day teaching, and I'm flying out tonight to go back to school. It's strange, but I'm nervous and calm at the same time -- since I have been living in the same place for the last four years, I know the area and the people, but the school experience is going to be very different.

So of course, here I am, procrastinating by blogging instead of packing like I should be doing.

Reflections can come later. As for now, I have a few more pieces of hilarity to share.

Sometimes, students get really out of it in math class. That's just inevitable.
SAT Math
Discussing a problem where the students have to find the probability of choosing a girl twice from a list of two girls and three boys.
Me: I have five children --
Student: (clearly just coming to consciousness after a daydream) Wait, really? What are their names?

While talking about a Venn Diagram that includes people who have had breakfast, lunch or both. 
Me: (clearly indicating the problem on the board) How many people had breakfast and lunch?
Student: (raises hand)

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