Sunday, July 22, 2012

Only Two Weeks Left...

I only have two more weeks left of teaching, and in a way, I'm kind of glad. It's not that I don't enjoy teaching where I do. This summer has actually been a lot of learning about myself as well.

I've realized that I am definitely much more introverted than extroverted, and having to entertain the students hour after hour is really difficult and tiring for me. Also, I have high expectations and can easily be discouraged. For some strange reason, I thought every student would be a younger version of myself: the overachiever who went out of his or her way to do every single problem and then have questions for the teacher afterward. 

There are definitely a handful of these types of kids. But most of them are... well... normal kids. They view this class as a summer enrichment program, and they don't have to try super hard because it's not "real school." 

I really want them to do well, and I give them incentives, but for some of the kids who go to summer school for four hours before coming to this prep place, my class is just another hour where they have to sit in the classroom. 

But, as my boyfriend said, I can only do so much. The kids have to meet me half way. 

Any suggestions from past math teachers on what to do? 

For the rest of you, a few more funnies from essays: 

"It may be hard to come to terms with it, but human beings are terrible. We are selfish, arrogant, and ignorant of others. Not you, essay grader, you are just perfect." 

On the benefits of hard work: "It increases stamina and ability and lowers performance anxiety." 
Essay grader, in reply: "If you experience a dedication that lasts for more than four hours, please consult a physician." (Just kidding. But it was difficult to stop him.) 

Why proofreading is so important: "The occurrence of the Holocaust caused millions of deaths of innocent Jews whom do deserve what was done to them." 

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire: "However, Americans thought Lincoln was just a ugly man and failed a lot of elections before presidency. Lincoln was not thinking in that way, he needed self-esteem, and finally he became an egotist, which his impression to people is a vampire." 

On Jane Austen's struggle with being a female writer in the 19th century: "During her period, a female author was perceived as by others as 'mad.'" 
Essay grader: Hysterical! (Ba dum tsssst.) 

1 comment:

  1. "For some strange reason, I thought every student would be a younger version of myself: the overachiever who went out of his or her way to do every single problem and then have questions for the teacher afterward. "

    Oh man, that's amazing, uh... well then I should get back to work. :V
