Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Brief Introduction

I am a recent college grad, in the summer before attending medical school. To pay the bills, I have taken a job as an SAT Math, Geometry, and Algebra II teacher at a local SAT prep class.

The setting of this place is pretty intense. Students come in for what is known as "SAT Bootcamp"; they come eight hours a day, four days a week, to prepare for what they (or their parents) think is the biggest test of their lives. 

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's because they're high school students. Or maybe they just don't have enough brain juice left after the first two weeks. Anyway, they sometimes say the most ridiculous things.

This blog will be (at least for the next few weeks) a mix of my ramblings and "Kids Say the Darndest Things." (Hopefully, this will transition into a more well-developed, mature blog about medical school and other adult things at the beginning of August?)

We'll see.

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