Sunday, July 1, 2012

I have a lot to learn about high school kids

A few stories from June:

SAT Math:
After telling my students that I was actually an English concentrator in college.
Student who is very concerned about her test score: Why did they hire you to teach math?
Me: (joking) It's because I'm Asian.
Student: (nodding seriously) Ohhhh.

The next day:
My students have progressed to asking my opinion about books they want to read. 
Student: What did you think about 50 Shades of Gray?
Me: (wondering why she would presume I've read the book) 

After instituting math quizzes every Tuesday:
Me: To motivate you to study, the person who scores the lowest on the quiz each week will have to do something embarrassing. (This is standard practice at the place I work, and it's all in good fun. Each kid usually ends up doing the embarrassing thing at least once.) For the first week, I will bring in a script from the Lord of the Rings and that person will have to act out a short scene as Gollum.
(Silence... then:) 
Student 1: What's Lord of the Rings?
Student 2: (Simultaneously) Who's Gollum?
Me: ... Nevermind.

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