Monday, July 2, 2012

Geometry and Medical School

Mondays tend to be my easiest days at work. I go in for office hours, teach one class, and go home (woohoo!).

Mondays are also the days I teach my Geometry class, which consists of a younger group of kids, most of whom will be going to 8th or 9th grade. This means that they have not yet been infected by the zombie disease that most high schoolers seem to get as soon as they step into a classroom.

Other than a few minor behavior issues (like getting them to raise their hands), the class is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, a younger age group also means less filtering.

Me: Hey guys, settle down. We really have to cover this material quickly because we only have eight weeks together, and I will not be here the last week.
Student 1: Why?
Me: I have to go to medical school. 
Student 1: THAT'S SO ASIAN!
Me: ...

A few minutes later, the students are still preoccupied with the idea of medical school.
Student 2: You should go into surgery.
Me: That's what I'm thinking of doing, actually!
Student 3: EWWW!!!
Me: What?
Student 3: Surgery is, like, when they, like, cut you open and stuff! I've watched documentaries. I know!

While assigning a mathematicians project. 
Student 4: Who's OO-clid?

... And hopefully more to come tomorrow from Algebra II and SAT Math.

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