Friday, July 6, 2012

I Am Old

Just after talking to one of my friends online about how old we were because we had graduated college, I had confirmation from my Geometry kids about my age.

After the kids began complaining about how much homework they get... 
Me: Guys, every piece of homework that you do, I do too.
Student 1: Yeah, but you're old.
Me: ... Thanks.
Student 1: (realizing what he said) I mean... you're older so this is easy for you.
Other students begin to laugh. 
Student 1: (inserts foot deeper in mouth) I mean, you are old compared to us.

Later, when the students were presenting on their mathematicians. One student did his project on Isaac Newton. 
Me: (Referring to my study abroad experience) Did you guys know I went to the same university as Newton?
Student 2: (Serious) You were in school at the same time?

(Luckily, later on, the SAT math class I was subbing assured me that I was very youthful looking).

I also wonder about the younger generation sometimes. This is why.

The students come back from break and are talking about Harry Potter.
Student: I hate Harry Potter.
Other students and me: What?!!
Student: Yeah, I was bored in the movies. Also, any time I read about Daniel Radcliffe, I turn the page. I do like Emma Watson, though.
Me: You know that the books are very different from the movies, right?
Student: I didn't read them.
Me: (joking) So what do you like? Twilight?
Student: (serious) Yes! I also like Keeping up with the Kardashians.
Me: (bangs head against wall)

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